Thursday, July 11, 2013

Testimony - Multiple Blessings Via Prayer Reach Project

“I had been jobless for some years. I heard in two different services where a brother testified on a 20 million naira house and another woman testified of a billion naira contract.  I got very angry with myself and started to engage seriously in the Prayer-Reach Project.
Not quite long, a call came through that I should take my Curriculum Vitae (CV) to an organisation. I went there and an interview was conducted, I was asked to resume in March.
I felt March was too far, so, I held on to my faith for a job in February. I got a job by divine direction, and a few days later, God multiplied me with speed. I was able to get two clients in a day that did business with the organization, though, I had zero experience.
He also gave me favour with my boss; he began to ask my advice on the growth of the organisation. Furthermore, he asked me to undertake the task of advertisement which I suggested to him, and also referred a client to me referring to me as his boss. 
In addition, a contender in my office had to resign; this gave me a chance for a promotion. I had series of job offers through the month, up until this morning. I give God all the glory!” --- Bro. Nwankwo, F.

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