Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Testimony - 30 Year Marital Spell Broken

30-Year Marital Spell Broken!
“In my lineage, we never got married; instead, we ended up as single parents. So, I decided that none of my children would be afflicted with that plague.
When I joined this Commission, I warned my daughter against premarital pregnancy. The devil tried to scare me with the thought that she would never get married, because at age 34, she had no suitor.
All through 2012, I came out for every marriage dedication with my daughter’s picture, which was always anointed. I also attended the 7-week Miracle Marriage Service declared by the Bishop.
During the last service, I danced like never before, and a lady asked, ‘mummy, do you want to get married again?’ I replied that I was dancing Iya iyawo dance (the bride’s mother dance). Shortly after, my daughter called to inform me that God had done it.
Then, I was faced with the challenge of travelling abroad for the wedding, because they reside there.
On the 32nd anniversary of this church, I spent three days praying and fasting over the issue. On the 3rd day, I cried and told God that my hope and trust were in Him. That same day, I was privileged to see the Bishop. He laid his hand on me and said, ‘you are going, my daughter, and I’m here waiting for your testimony.’  He further declared that my tears be turned into joy.
That week, I had supernatural supplies and was able to attend the wedding.  Praise the Lord!” --- Favour, O.

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